I have been living at York supported living since June last year. I have a very nice flat and since I have been here ISL and the staff have been very supportive, and I have improved in my living skills and cooking. I get on well with all the staff and we have a laugh sometimes, we talk about music and the news a lot. I also play the drums and bass guitar in my flat on a reasonable volume I may say. I have been living in supported living overall for a few years and I have felt a lot happier since being with ISL because the staff are very understanding of my mental health problems and disability. I have really improved on talking to staff when I need to and maintaining and cleaning my flat thanks to the staff support. I have also improved on my food shopping and meal planning because I have been working with staff on this.
I currently attend music college and do an afternoon at the Oxfam Charity Shop.
I really am looking forward to times ahead post Covid living at York supported living
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