
News from ISL

Latest news from ISL and the sector.



We provide tailored services at home and in the community to enable people to reach their potential and achieve their goals. Click on the link below to find out about the services we offer and who we support.


Quality is important to us and the people we support. Find out about how we work with clients and staff to deliver quality services.


Our clients

Our clients

Find out more about who we support.

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Our people

Our people

Meet our board, wider team and find out about what we do. You can also find out about working for us and current vacancies.

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Charity Partnerships

Charity Partnerships

Find out more about who ISL support

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Annual plan

Annual plan

See our annual plan. We publish this each year so you can see what we have been working on and what we plan to do in the coming year.

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Supported Living Property Requirements

Could you assist with any of our current property requirements? Find the details of our current requirements here and fill out the form to get in touch.

Contacting ISL

Contacting ISL

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